Monday, December 28, 2009

Educate Yourself!

Ya know, I just recently read an article posted on my trainer's website regarding supplements and was inspired to reach out to my readers to educate them on what it takes to lose fat, diet, etc.

It's funny that I even fell upon this article because I actually watched a new workout dvd called Insanity (not sure if anyone's heard of it---very similar to P90x) which showed a Sports Trainer doing various plyometric and calisthetic workouts in what looks like a high school gym with a group of about 15 people. The drills were intense and a great cardiovascular workout overall. The entire package that my father ordered included a few dvds, a nutrition guide and a few brochures. After reviewing most of the material (zooming in on the nutrition aspect most critically) I definitely think this a good, solid purchase that the consumer would get the most "bang for your buck." I was most impressed with the nutrition guide book due to the fact that it gives the reader very simple meals but also provides them with information as to why you are making those choices. I was happy to see that the trainer was not giving the reader what most consumers look for... a magic pill to lose weight.

As I was driving home from my parents, my boyfriend (a trainer as well) and I began speaking about this Insanity program. The one thing we both noticed was that the workouts/drills/routines outlined in the program were really nothing new or improved. It basically consisted of basic plyometric, calisthetic, yoga, core exercises, etc, all jumbled into 1 very intense cardiovascular boot camp style class. Consumers have seen all of this before. They have purchased these types of workout dvds before. But since this particular dvd is brand new... they quickly purchase in hopes of losing weight in some new, improved and possibly easier fashion.

What most people do not realize is that losing fat, toning/building muscle and retaining that leanness/muscle tone is quite simple... it's just that us as people, complicate it. We look for the easiest way possible to get the most work done. We become pill poppers in hopes of that magic supplement that will give us that "head start." We buy video games for exercise and join the local Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig for nutrition. We as a population have become amazingly lazy. When said diets, exercise programs, supplements don't work... who do we blame??? Who we should be blaming, is ourselves.

There is a wealth of health and fitness knowledge out there for everyone to learn and apply to their own lives. Especially in the world today with the internet, there is absolutely no reason why every individual can't search and find the answer to their own battles with weight loss. This goes back to me saying us as people... COMPLICATE things.

Here is the simple answer to losing weight, gaining muscle, looking great:
1. Eat healthy 2. Exercise 3. Stay consistent

That's the million dollar answer everyone is looking for. This is what we as consumers spend billions of dollars on every year (fitness industry is a multi-billion dollar industry). There is no secret, no magic potion, no magic supplement, no shortcuts PERIOD. New workouts are great for spicing up an old routine, but for those of you who have no routine and just wait around for the next new thing to hit the market so you can buy it and use it for 5 minutes, you are a marketer's dream come true.

Now, as the new year approaches and everyone adds "get in shape" to their new year's resolution list, remember that all of the information you need is at your fingertips. It's just a matter of you applying that information. You don't have to go out and purchase a $200 workout dvd or video game in order to get in shape. You also don't have to buy into these group nutrition programs that you have to pay $400 for frozen meals. Start reading! If you've been struggling your whole life against the scale then it's time for you to stop taking the above shortcuts and start making some major life changes. That means cooking your own food... researching your own workouts... maybe even starting your own fitness support group! The best way for you to keep the weight off and rid yourself of your struggle against weight is to tackle this obstacle head, skip the shortcuts and enjoy the JOURNEY!!!!!

Some good reading: