Monday, March 22, 2010
Nutrition and YOU!
A little more information about the Obesity Crisis and statistics in the US and abroad. Jamie does an excellent job spreading his message while accepting this award from TED. Join the fight TODAY!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
We Need a Food Revolution!

What a bold statement. When thinking of your own weight issues... what do you think the problem is? Bad genetics? Bad habits? Lack of education?
What about your health? Is that a concern or are you completely vanity driven?
What about your children that depend on every choice you make for them to eat and receive proper nutrition... are you making healthy choices for them?
These are all of the things that were running through my mind while watching ABC's new television series, Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution.
The premise of the show is pretty simple... America is struggling with the obesity crisis... Oliver has experience in revamping many programs in Europe to bring better health to the country...
Win - Win situation, right? Wrong.
The thing that surprised me the most is the lack of presence by the parents. It became quite clear that the parents were not only ok with the school's menu selection... they actually served the very same meals to their children at home. This just goes to show how a LACK OF EDUCATION can be passed from parent to child. Fat isn't passed through genes... ignorance is.
The best part about this is, all of this can be changed. But it starts at home. We may be able to change the school systems in due time but we can change our own homes NOW.
*Insert Rant Here* --->>> Now, I may not be able to relate to every parent in the world considering I'm not a parent yet, but I am a big sister and an aunt and I can say that alone from my experience as those two that when I think of my sisters or brother, or my niece and nephews... I think of top shelf high quality EVERYTHING. I think of wanting to take all that's bad out of their lives and replacing it all with good...taking all of the pain and replacing it with pleasure. I can only hope that when I do become a parent, I will not only treat my children in the same light...I will treat them better! I just don't understand how, as a parent, you can feed your children food that can ultimately lead them to a lifetime of pain. How could you sentence your child to that type of misery? Diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc etc etc... why make it so easy for your children to be victims of their health? Call me naive but I'm thinking that as a parent you want your child to drive around in the body of a Bentley...not the body of a Pinto! They say your body is your temple... so why destroy it with over processed fatty foods and not only feed it to your children but start your children on a lifetime of bad nutrition choices? As an adult many people often find themselves battling the bulge in one way or another... if we see ourselves and how many of us are on yo-yo diets because we can't seem to make our own health a priority, how can we sentence our children down the same paths? This is a part of the change that needs to happen now. This country is DYING of their own bad habits. In life, we are blessed to receive 1 body that can do whatever we want it to do - good or bad. It's sad that so many of us are choosing BAD over good. We are in desperate need of help and if we don't get hip to our own behaviors, how can we really call ourselves good parents? **Rant complete**
Every day when you wake up, look in the mirror and tell yourself, I'm going to do something today that supports my overall health! Hold yourself accountable, make the change, live longer, live healthier.
Game on.
**Recommended websites:
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
New Year, New Body, New Attitude!

As I sat here at my house (after catching the lazy bug), the guilt was unbearable so I decided to check out what fitness programs I could find on demand. So I came across a cool Yoga-Meltdown program and decided to give it a shot. Whew! Boy it was tough! Before I knew it, I was sweating! What a great way for me to still get a workout in after not making it to the gym!
While working out, I noticed the women in the fitness video were toned and in great shape...and I started feeling a little insecure/ intimidated! Since, I was aware that I wasn't in the best shape I've ever been, I knew this feeling was to be expected and quite normal (especially being a semi-emotional woman lol) but it got me thinking... how many other women are out there, who want to get in shape, but they just can't get past their emotions to do it? They are afraid of large gyms for the fear of others looking at them, they are afraid of working out in front of those that are in great shape, maybe even afraid of looking like they don't know what they are doing or fit in? It's almost as if you have to be IN shape in order to go to the gym without having a complex! An oxymoron, right?
So, I just wanted to take a little time to salute all of you women (and men too!) who desperately want to get in shape but your mind's playing tricks on you. As women, we are unfortunately prone to the emotional issues that come along with being overweight (or we are just simply emotional about everything lol) but we don't have to be a slave to them! I encourage you to grab a friend, your I-Pod, or even just stay at home and get that workout in so you can start YOUR special journey to your new body, new attitude. I understand that by seeing another person in shape may be a little intimidating and may make you doubt or be hard on yourself, but don't be the bearer of a negative attitude! Let those women be your motivation to keep going! The irony in it all is that if you scare yourself away from people, gyms, trainers, classes, you're digging the hole deeper and deeper therefore making that challenge even more difficult to overcome and let alone even attempt.
As women, our emotions can sometimes possess our whole lives. I remember when I first began working out and I floated from machine to machine, taking my time, and the moment someone looked at me like wtf r u doing? I was outta there lol. I had such a fear of looking stupid or silly in front of other gym members and now looking back, I actually did look stupid just by taking their feelings into consideration! Living a healthy life is your journey and your journey ALONE. Don't let others prevent you from making the progress you deserve! Self-love is a full time job, you will have your good days and bad days, but you still keep going to work. Don't give up, I won't let you!
So next time, on your way out the door to the gym, stop at the mirror, look at yourself and say, "I AM A SUCH A HOTTIE AND I'M BOUT TO GO TO THE GYM AND MAKE IT HOTTER!"
Happy lifting,
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