Tuesday, January 27, 2009

16 Random Things - From my Facebook Page

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 r&om things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have totag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more aboutyou (seriously, I want to know more about YOU).
So, I saw this on Corey's profile and since I'm at work and actually annoyed with working, I thought I'd give it a go...

#1 - I have a huge desire to start my own non-profit organization..... I'm not sure if it's my yearning to help people or if it's because as I get older I realize how much I want to my life to be a contribution to this world or both...either way, I'd love to get involved to start an organization that had help for all people...youth, elderly, middle-aged, disease-ridden, overweight, underweight, black, white, yellow...you catch my drift. Something that is a solid contribution to helping people which inturn helps the world.

#2 - I like watching re-runs...... Maybe because I have no life? lol I dunno, but my DVR is set to record every Sex n the City episode on TBS n I've seen em all 10000 times n still I sit n watch as if it's brand new.

#3 - I believe in the power of positive thinking..... I think it's partly due to the fact that I was a very negative thinker in the past. I always attributed my cynicism for "reality" not knowing that it was just creating more negativity. Since watching The Secret and reading some pretty dope books (Rich Dad Poor Dad, From Good to Great etc), I've realized the true power of your mind. Now I strive to always seek out the positive in a situation instead of gravitating toward the negative.

#4 - I take horrible pictures..... I don't know if it's just because it feels incredibly awkward to be dead in front of a camera or if it's because I'm just not as comfortable with my face as I'd like to be but even so, I somehow manage to take the worst pix. My work badge, license, whoa. Not sexy lol but then again I guess those pix probably shouldn't be lol. Anyhow, I'm just really really awkward in front of a camera and it's weird because I'm a pretty outgoing person but once a camera is out and it's a serious picture moment, I'm totally outta there. Been trying to practice more tho...

#5 - I'm over Corporate America...... Been in it for 9 yrs now and I can honestly say, I'm done with it. I'm still physically in it for the $ for now, but mentally I've moved on. Totally focusing my energy on training, doing more shows, building the non-profit, starting my website, etc. Really working on leaning on my creative side.

#6 - I am closet wannabe painter...... I've been thinking about this for some time now. I totally want to have an easel, paints, brushes, the whole 9. I have a hunch that I'll be pretty good at it. Not sure if I'd ever want to sell but I'd definitely like to get some thoughts/feelings onto some canvas.

#7 - I'm annoyingly logical...... 1+1 ALWAYS equals 2. ALWAYS. Doesn't that sound annoying? But that's how I operate. When things don't make sense logically, it totally throws me off my game... I will literally sit confused for hours until I find a way for it to all my logical sense.

#8 - I'm a family person...BIG TIME...... I'm 100% devoted to my family. I will do anything for them at any time any place. I'm the oldest so I tend to have that motherly type quality about myself and because of that, I try to give as much as I possibly can to support my family, even if I get nothing in return. Family is sooo important and when I have kids I want them to have that loyalty to their family too.

#9 - I'm usually the one my friends come to for advice...... I don't know if it's because I'm a virgo (practical, logical) or that I truly enjoy psychology or that I mediated my parent's arguments as a kid growing up but either way, I somehow can navigate through a situation that a friend is going through clearly and give them some good quality advice.

#10 - I believe everyone possesses the power of GREATNESS...... Ya kno, growing up I actually thought I would be a dancer, lawyer, or something like that. Then after hs...I thought...maybe I just don't have a talent???? I always took the easy way out... rationalizing things....oh, Beyonce can sing - that's easy, she knew her talent.... maybe if I could sing...I could be someone? After realizing that was such a cop out...I dug deep and found a true passion for fitness... for helping those that need it and for holding myself to higher standards and achieving those goals.

#11 - I like to be right...ALL THE TIME....... Who doesn't? I've gotten better at accepting when I'm wrong tho, even if it's only once in a blue moon LOL

#12 - I'm a HUGE Joel Osteen fan...... My DVR is set to record him everytime he's on. Anytime I'm feeling down or discouraged...I watch one of the old episodes and it puts me right back on track. The power in positive thinking I tell ya!

#13 - I love tattoos...... I currently have 5... I'm sure I'll have many more. Just love the expression in a tattoo. Some think it's silly, but I love the feeling and meaning behind a tattoo. I don't usually plan my tattoos, it's all spontaneous. But I'd like to get a couple more meaningful ones and definitely a Samoan tribal to rep the culture :)

#14 - I make extreme decisions spontaneously...... This kinda breaks off from my tattoo stuff. Anything extreme I've done in life has always been done on a whim. One day I was growing my hair out, the next day I was bald lol. If a tattoo idea pops into mind, I usually get it right away. Once I started working out, I went straight into wanting to compete. Not sure why I operate this way but there's something liberating about it.

#15 - I'm a "relationship" person...... Never really been single. I've had 4 serious boyfriends in the last 11 yrs (dating back to hs). Sometimes I feel like I have a sign on my forehead or there's some sort of radar alert that goes out to prospective suitors lol but I'm thinking that maybe I just don't like to be alone for too long? Not entirely sure since I've never really had to go there with myself but either way, I've always been locked down lol

#16 - I'm a total "fat" eater...... I could actually be addicted to food...like good tasting food. Food that is the absolute WORST for you. It might seem like an oxymoron but I just LUV LUV LUV food. If it were up to me, I'd eat out all day every day lol. I think as we all get older there is something very social about going out to dinner...I think this was the hardest part besides giving up cigarettes when I first decided I would compete. Giving up some of my fav foods can still be a struggle but as I get older, I am definitely starting to realize that my body does NOT bounce back like it used to lol. I have to literally BUST MY ASS in order to get results so in the end...the fatty food decisions don't seem worth it.

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