Alarm rings ---
6am, snooze, snooze, snooze....SHIT! It's 7:15am and I have to be to work by 8am, way to start off the week. Clothes are out the night before yet when I put them on, I somehow end up looking a bit mannish... it could be that my hair is growing in so it's in its awkward phase or it could be that I just need new clothes, either way, I have to skip breakfast at home in order to find something half way decent to wear...great. Driving to work -- Decent parking spot -- make it to my desk without being seen -- take my heels out of my bag n throw those on (my poor feet) -- and begin to work. Waiting to see if anyone will notice I'm here.... wait time is now = 35 minutes and noone in sight -- head downstairs for breakfast (finally) -- unfortunately have no money on me n have to hike over to the other side of the building to the good old ATM -- yum, I'm finally quenched -- All of this and I've been @ work for less than 1 hour-- Man, the day I will be able to seperate from Corporate America will by far be the happiest day of my life...
Drama in the workplace...
Well...since returning from short term disability(workout injury-out of the gym for the majority of 2008), it seems as tho people have kinda outcasted me. I can say I'm used to the "haters" considering the fact that I work with a LOT of middle-aged and older women who don't work out, eat terribly, gossip more than they work and hate to see anyone else succeed, but having people flat out ignore me... no welcome back high 5... nothing, is a strange feeling. I'm guessing a big part of it has to do with the fact that my boss is angry with me for being out of the office injured... my coworker has lied, manipulated and gossiped about me to the point that not only does she believe her own lies but she has somehow managed to sway others to see it her way and make a promotion out of it...and then the average worker just hating that I was out of the office for 6 months regardless of the reason behind it. Hence we have the "outcasting."
It's amazing how Corporate America literally translates into the 13th grade. You have those that will do whatever it takes to get to the top--being phony--brownnosing--gossiping--manipulating--it's like a game of Survivor or Big Brother lol. Gosh, this is soooo NOT what I signed up for lol. Anyhow, that type of person is my coworker-- obsessed with trying to keep up with the Joneses--talks about herself every 5 minutes-- brags about every job, every knockoff designer bag, every person that likes her bla bla bla bla... She's one of the ppl that believe their own lies. Ya ever wonder what could have possibly gone wrong in a person's life to make them act like that? I mean do they have a hormone imbalance...are they missing a chromosome...are they human....what is it??
Moving along -- what is it about Corporate America that is so entirely draining?
6am, snooze, snooze, snooze....SHIT! It's 7:15am and I have to be to work by 8am, way to start off the week. Clothes are out the night before yet when I put them on, I somehow end up looking a bit mannish... it could be that my hair is growing in so it's in its awkward phase or it could be that I just need new clothes, either way, I have to skip breakfast at home in order to find something half way decent to wear...great. Driving to work -- Decent parking spot -- make it to my desk without being seen -- take my heels out of my bag n throw those on (my poor feet) -- and begin to work. Waiting to see if anyone will notice I'm here.... wait time is now = 35 minutes and noone in sight -- head downstairs for breakfast (finally) -- unfortunately have no money on me n have to hike over to the other side of the building to the good old ATM -- yum, I'm finally quenched -- All of this and I've been @ work for less than 1 hour-- Man, the day I will be able to seperate from Corporate America will by far be the happiest day of my life...
Drama in the workplace...
Well...since returning from short term disability(workout injury-out of the gym for the majority of 2008), it seems as tho people have kinda outcasted me. I can say I'm used to the "haters" considering the fact that I work with a LOT of middle-aged and older women who don't work out, eat terribly, gossip more than they work and hate to see anyone else succeed, but having people flat out ignore me... no welcome back high 5... nothing, is a strange feeling. I'm guessing a big part of it has to do with the fact that my boss is angry with me for being out of the office injured... my coworker has lied, manipulated and gossiped about me to the point that not only does she believe her own lies but she has somehow managed to sway others to see it her way and make a promotion out of it...and then the average worker just hating that I was out of the office for 6 months regardless of the reason behind it. Hence we have the "outcasting."
It's amazing how Corporate America literally translates into the 13th grade. You have those that will do whatever it takes to get to the top--being phony--brownnosing--gossiping--manipulating--it's like a game of Survivor or Big Brother lol. Gosh, this is soooo NOT what I signed up for lol. Anyhow, that type of person is my coworker-- obsessed with trying to keep up with the Joneses--talks about herself every 5 minutes-- brags about every job, every knockoff designer bag, every person that likes her bla bla bla bla... She's one of the ppl that believe their own lies. Ya ever wonder what could have possibly gone wrong in a person's life to make them act like that? I mean do they have a hormone imbalance...are they missing a chromosome...are they human....what is it??
Moving along -- what is it about Corporate America that is so entirely draining?
- Is it the people?
- The work?
- The company?
- Their vision?
- What????
I think the one thing to take from my ramblings is this--
Avoid committing yourself to a job/career that you HATE!
(All that comes of this is you waking up everyday and never wanting to be there and finding any reason possible to take a sick day, vacation day, etc etc etc)
Don't sell yourself short!
To my fellow Corporate slaves... have a GREAT week and never stop pushing for more... do whatever it takes to reach your full potential!
--Goals for this week --
Avoid committing yourself to a job/career that you HATE!
(All that comes of this is you waking up everyday and never wanting to be there and finding any reason possible to take a sick day, vacation day, etc etc etc)
Don't sell yourself short!
To my fellow Corporate slaves... have a GREAT week and never stop pushing for more... do whatever it takes to reach your full potential!
--Goals for this week --
- Remain POSITIVE!
- Steer clear of the drama!
- Keep pushing my creativity
- Have a successful week @ the new training gig
All righty folks, have a dope, healthy and productive week!
Never forget who u are and PUSH for more!
Never forget who u are and PUSH for more!
I totally AGREE with your Corporate blog entry! I cannot stand Corporate America! It's wrong for so many reasons and talk about being unfair! Boy...they try to make it seem like they are fair and factual-yea right! They'd be better off by giving someone a promotion w/a game of rock, paper, scissor!
PS-I love your blog!
Some of us live in stories. Instead of basing life on facts we like to lie and make it sound better then the facts by adding our own stories. For some reason people believe that they get more attention if they lie then tell the facts. Go figure. After my leadership program. I now can see a person's stories from a mile away. Sorry that you had to go through such drama. I really would let them know the facts are I was injured. Everything else is such a story and a half People hate to see good people like you succeed cause honestly their lives are a mess an they do it up with all the mellow drama. Don't they relize that people see that from a mile away?????